Sandbox Blog

Stakeholder Connections Strengthen Performance

Posted by jesse on Jun 29, 2020 2:06:41 PM

Many businesses are thriving in spite of the major challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic through increased stakeholder connections that strengthen worker and customer commitments, resulting in greater company performance. One common thread among companies that are weathering the storm most successfully is an authentic and integrated commitment to purpose larger than profitability or growth. Indeed, in the last financial crisis, Certified B Corporations were 63% more likely to survive than other businesses of similar size.

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, B Corp, HR CNNX

5 Lessons on Business Resilience and Stakeholder Engagement

Posted by jesse on Jun 24, 2020 4:28:28 PM

Businesses are dealing with busts, booms and everything in between amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment in the U.S. has climbed to nearly 15%, the highest level since the Depression and roughly double the number during the 2008 recession, and thousands of small businesses are scrambling for federal financial assistance. 

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, Culture, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, B Corp

What Are the Major Frameworks for Impact Assessment?

Posted by netgain on Mar 9, 2020 9:59:14 AM

Impact Assessment is a standard test used to evaluate profit companies as socially responsible, sustainable, and environmentally respectful. The test asks a multitude of questions regarding a business’s standards of social and environmental performance and is conducted by a non-profit organization. Answers to the assessment increase or decrease your chance of successfully obtaining a B Corp Certificate.

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Tags: Social Innovation, B Corp

B Impact Assessment: Measure What Matters Most

Posted by netgain on Mar 2, 2020 8:58:36 AM

When a company considers becoming B Corp Certified, they must first undergo something called an Impact Assessment. This survey evaluates the physical, sociological, and financial impact your company has on the world around it. To successfully achieve the status of a B Corp, companies must score 80 points or more out of the 200 points available.

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Tags: Social Innovation, Finance CNNX, B Corp

Is Being a B-Corp Startup Attractive to Traditional Investors?

Posted by netgain on Feb 19, 2020 8:57:47 AM


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Tags: Social Innovation, B Corp

BDC named to "Best For The World 2019" list as one of world's top-performing B Corps

Posted by jesse on Sep 5, 2019 10:07:48 AM


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Tags: Social Innovation, B Corp