Sandbox Blog

Top Three On-Camera Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Video Meeting

Posted by Megan Price on Aug 4, 2020 11:24:37 AM

Most of us didn’t sign up to be on daytime television as actors or hosts but for many of us, it feels like that’s exactly where we have ended up.  Added to the stress of working from home, pivoting a business and completely revamping policies, procedures and protocols, being on camera for most of our day can feel like it’s pushing us a little too far.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, COVID-19 Resources, Remote Working, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Culture, Tools, Productivity

Creating your Leadership Community

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 17, 2020 10:52:37 AM

Anyone who has been a leader knows it can be a very lonely job. It’s challenging to find people you can trust to share ideas with or vent frustrations before solving problems, and you certainly can’t share your thoughts with those you lead.

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Tags: Women In Business, StartUp | ScaleUP, Innovative Mindsets, Culture, HR CNNX

A is for Appreciation

Posted by jesse on Jul 1, 2020 11:36:49 AM

One of the natural stages of human development which is quite normal is self-centredness.  Those of you who have children are likely quite familiar with the toddler who believes that the world revolves around him – he is at the centre of all things.  You, of course, know this to be untrue, but the toddler must discover, as he grows, that there is considerably more to his world and the world in general.

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Tags: Women In Business, Professional Development, Culture, HR CNNX

Mindful Leaders & How To Become One

Posted by jesse on Jun 25, 2020 7:54:06 AM

In previous posts, we’ve explored the challenges we’ll face in the next 10, 20 or more years. Technology is eating the world and changing things at breakneck speed. That’s all fine, but we need the tools to keep up.

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Tags: Professional Development, Culture, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX

5 Lessons on Business Resilience and Stakeholder Engagement

Posted by jesse on Jun 24, 2020 4:28:28 PM

Businesses are dealing with busts, booms and everything in between amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment in the U.S. has climbed to nearly 15%, the highest level since the Depression and roughly double the number during the 2008 recession, and thousands of small businesses are scrambling for federal financial assistance. 

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, Culture, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, B Corp

5 Tips for Stepping into a Leadership Position

Posted by jesse on Jun 21, 2020 5:13:21 PM

So you want to take on a leadership position as your next step. As a top-contributor, it’s something you’ve long eyed as a goal but aren’t quite sure the best way to make sure you’re equipped when the time comes. More than a quarter of managers said they weren’t ready to lead others when they stepped into their role, according to CareerBuilder

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Tags: Professional Development, Culture, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX

Empathy: Really Getting It

Posted by jesse on Jun 18, 2020 10:54:04 AM

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say that good leadership requires empathy, I’d be a rich man. As a buzzword, it’s easy to throw around. However, I find it can be difficult to really understand and even harder to put into practice.

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Tags: Innovative Mindsets, Professional Development, Culture, HR CNNX

Effective Leaders Build Resilience

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 17, 2020 2:00:13 AM

Sociologist and researcher Brene Brown maintains that “Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior” ( Never is that been more true than in times of crisis.

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Tags: Innovative Mindsets, Professional Development, Culture

Progress | Contributing to the Solution

Posted by jesse on Jun 11, 2020 4:34:27 AM

To feel a sense of purpose and a sense of progress in life is key to feeling happy, connected and productive.  But in a time when physical distancing is expected and many have either lost their job or are attempting to maintain productivity working from home, how can we achieve that all important sense of progress? By contributing to the solution!

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Tags: Women In Business, Professional Development, Culture, HR CNNX

Taking Responsibility | Me Myself and I

Posted by jesse on Jun 6, 2020 7:33:54 AM

Taking responsibility for your actions’ – something most of us heard at one time or another from our parents.  Whether we were avoiding our homework, skipping class or fabricating some story about where we were, the lesson to learn was always, take responsibility for our actions.  What our parents did not say was – take responsibility for your emotions – and that is where the real communication growth is.

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Tags: Women In Business, Professional Development, Culture, HR CNNX