Sandbox Blog


Posted by jesse on Apr 4, 2020 5:44:02 AM

The Social Enterprise Network of Central Ontario (SENCO) has dedicated the entire month of April to creating virtual spaces to connect, share and innovate as a growing sector. Let's use this time to support one another and put our #changemaking skills into action!

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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise

How to Be A Social Entrepreneur

Posted by netgain on Apr 3, 2020 7:42:46 AM

The age of social awareness is upon us. As more businesses choose to include social objectives in business models, the hope for a sustainable economy becomes increasingly achievable. Developing a social enterprise takes some serious planning. There’s a lot of moving parts and pieces. How do you generate revenue while spending money on the good of your community, the environment, and your employees?

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Social Enterprise

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Definition

Posted by netgain on Feb 19, 2020 8:58:22 AM

The first time the business community heard the term “triple bottom line” was the mid 1990’s when John Elkington, a business writer from London England began touting the importance of sustainable development. Elkington believed deeply in corporate responsibility and the idea that modern businesses should be accountable for what they put into the world, not just the money they earned from it.

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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise

Will Social Enterprise Supersede Pure For-Profit Business?

Posted by netgain on Feb 19, 2020 8:57:13 AM

There was a time when the concepts of social responsibility and sustainable revenue lived in two separate worlds. For-profit businesses rarely considered the environment, their social impact on the world, or the importance of creating jobs for a purpose other than to generate revenue. Now, the concept of the triple bottom line, the introduction of B Corp Businesses, and the influence of the millennial business model have made these concepts interchangeable.

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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise

What Is Social Entrepreneurship?

Posted by netgain on Feb 19, 2020 8:56:38 AM

The business world is changing at a rapid pace and it’s beginning to focus on more than just finance as a bottom line. In fact, many businesses are working toward developing a triple bottom line. The triple bottom line is one of many business models working to increase social objectives into the workforce.

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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise

SENCO Awarded $264,000 for Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund

Posted by jesse on Sep 3, 2019 5:23:05 PM


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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise

Majority of Canadian consumers buying from companies that take a stand on issues they care about and ditching those that don't, Accenture study finds

Posted by jesse on Sep 3, 2019 5:13:01 PM


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Tags: Social Innovation, Social Enterprise