Sandbox Blog

Top Three On-Camera Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Video Meeting

Posted by Megan Price on Aug 4, 2020 11:24:37 AM

Most of us didn’t sign up to be on daytime television as actors or hosts but for many of us, it feels like that’s exactly where we have ended up.  Added to the stress of working from home, pivoting a business and completely revamping policies, procedures and protocols, being on camera for most of our day can feel like it’s pushing us a little too far.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, COVID-19 Resources, Remote Working, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Culture, Tools, Productivity

What Are You Expecting?

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:16 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Innovative Mindsets, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Productivity

Moving Forward With Your Story

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:10 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Uncategorized, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Productivity

Level UP: Marketing Effectively During A Downturn

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jun 30, 2020 5:14:24 PM

Chaotic, overwhelming, challenging – a few of many adjectives businesses owners have felt over the past few months of uncertainty. During these unprecedented times, finding the right speed to drive your businesses’ marketing strategy forward may seem to relate very well with the first three feelings you read in the first sentence. We hear you – and are here to let you know it’s time to shift gears for the better!

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Tags: Women In Business, Uncategorized, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Marketing CNNX

Online Business Ideas You Can Start on the Side

Posted by jesse on Jun 25, 2020 3:53:57 PM

Running an online business definitely has its appeal, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. The truth is, starting a business of any kind is hard work. In reality, “online” is just a channel that connects businesses to people. It’s a powerful tool that lets you reach anyone from anywhere in the world. But creating a business with it is still about connecting the right customers with the right offering.

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Experts in Residence: The Legal Brief | Ontario Back-to-Work Guidelines

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on May 8, 2020 8:40:22 AM

The Province of Ontario has released an action plan and guidelines to get people back to work. What does this mean for your business and how do you move forward?

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Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Apr 3, 2020 5:12:34 PM

During current unprecedented times, the importance of mental health & creating connections is imperative as isolation may have different effects & meanings for everyone. You may be helping the greater good to social distance, however, isolating yourself from positive messaging and and uplifting knowledge to help better your journey to success isn’t the answer. NOW is the perfect time to come together to RISE, CONNECT, and EXPLORE what your journey to success can look like! The conversations don’t stop now – they’re just beginning.

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Tags: Women In Business, Uncategorized, SBX NOW & NXT

Canada’s $27B Economic Response to COVID-19

Posted by jesse on Mar 21, 2020 4:06:29 AM

The Canadian federal government has released their economic support response plan for helping businesses and Canadians financially through COVID-19. Mentor Works has broken down what this response means for your business and what you can do about it.

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Tags: Finance CNNX, Uncategorized, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

As the integration of technology solutions continues to reshape businesses, C-suite collaboration, increasingly, is standard procedure

Posted by jesse on Sep 10, 2019 11:13:05 AM


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Export Development Canada prices its fifth Green Bond at CAD$500 million as global interest in climate financing continues to rise

Posted by jesse on Sep 10, 2019 11:00:37 AM


In another contribution to international climate change objectives, Canada's export credit agency has issued a CAD$500 million Green Bond. The bond will attract capital for green investment and grow Export Development Canada's (EDC) climate-friendly financing portfolio.

"Issuing more than $2 billion in Green Bonds over a half-decade demonstrates EDC's commitment to supporting green projects and initiatives and, perhaps more importantly, the increasing demand for sustainable investment products within the Canadian market," said Ken Kember, Senior Vice President, Finance, and Chief Financial Officer, EDC.

This is EDC's second Green Bond in Canadian dollars and its fifth Green Bond in recent years. Previous bonds issued include: CAD$500 million in August 2017, USD$500 million in May 2017, USD$300 million in December 2015, and USD$300 million in January 2014. Each bond received strong support from the investor community.

Proceeds of all EDC's Green Bond offerings go toward EDC's portfolio of green assets, including loans made to companies active in fields of preservation, protection or remediation of air, water and or soil, creation of renewable energy, and mitigation of climate change. These proceeds have so far helped finance approximately 30 transactions in support of environmentally-beneficial companies or projects. Among other potential benefits, it's estimated these efforts have helped to avoid more than four million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

"EDC was the first Canadian institution to issue a Green Bond back in 2014 and our experience since has shown that there's a real appetite for these sustainable investment vehicles," Kember said.

"Green Bonds are a fantastic way to mobilize funds that can have a real impact on advancing clean tech development and responding to the climate change challenge."

With the issuance of this latest bond, EDC is hoping to bring more domestic and international investors to the table to further stimulate the growth of the Green Bond market in Canada.

#SBXConnected #EDC #GreenBond #SBXSocialImpactors #Sustainability #SBX2019

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