Sandbox Blog

Mackenzie Fennell

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Marketing 101: Boosting Online Visibility On A Shoestring Budget

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jul 22, 2020 4:41:50 PM

Ever wonder what you can do to enhance the marketing strategy of your business without breaking the bank? Your approach to seeing more engagement, awareness, and conversions doesn’t have to make a huge dent in your pocket if you don’t think it’s necessary for you right now!

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Tags: Content Strategy, SBX NOW & NXT, Marketing CNNX, SEO For Today

The Legal Brief: Commercial Leasing - Tips & Traps

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jul 17, 2020 11:26:25 AM

The laws affecting commercial leases can be intimidating at the best of times. In the past few months, the commercial leasing landscape shifted as a result of COVID-19 and government efforts to provide financial relief to commercial tenants and landlords.

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Tags: COVID-19 Resources, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT

Financial Growth: Financial Forecasting & Execution

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jul 10, 2020 3:31:21 PM

Too often, we as business leaders or owners prepare a forecast for a specific purpose such as an application for a loan or new property lease. But then what? For most, stepping away or putting it in the drawer to never be seen until someone asks for one again is a common occurrence.

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Tags: Finance CNNX, SBX NOW & NXT

Level UP: Marketing Effectively During A Downturn

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jun 30, 2020 5:14:24 PM

Chaotic, overwhelming, challenging – a few of many adjectives businesses owners have felt over the past few months of uncertainty. During these unprecedented times, finding the right speed to drive your businesses’ marketing strategy forward may seem to relate very well with the first three feelings you read in the first sentence. We hear you – and are here to let you know it’s time to shift gears for the better!

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Tags: Women In Business, Uncategorized, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Marketing CNNX

The Legal Brief: COVID-19 Stage Two Reopening Updates & ESA Amendments RECAP

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jun 18, 2020 9:23:52 AM

Stage two of reopening the economy has commenced for the Province of Ontario, however, the criteria and modifications that are needed to do so may be unclear to many.

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Tags: COVID-19 Resources, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX

Experts in Residence: The Legal Brief | Ontario Back-to-Work Guidelines

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on May 8, 2020 8:40:22 AM

The Province of Ontario has released an action plan and guidelines to get people back to work. What does this mean for your business and how do you move forward?

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Tags: Uncategorized

Force Majeure Clauses - How Are Contractual Obligations Impacted By COVID-19?

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Apr 30, 2020 5:06:24 PM


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Tags: COVID-19 Resources, SBX NOW & NXT

Cash Flow During COVID-19: Loan and Grant Programs for Business

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Apr 29, 2020 3:18:55 PM

As the COVID-19 pandemic caught the world off-guard, many organizations that have been able to traditionally sustain themselves are now looking for new ways to access cash. Navigating cash flow options during these uncertain times can be quite a challenge, which is why Mentor Works has put together a list of Canadian government funding programs that includes COVID-19-related support and ongoing government loan/grant programs.

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Tags: Finance CNNX, StartUp | ScaleUP, COVID-19 Resources, SBX NOW & NXT

Wills & Powers of Attorney – if you don’t have one, now what?

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Apr 23, 2020 5:47:54 PM

As part of the discussion surrounding business implications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandbox Centre hosted platinum partner Barriston Law who lead the conversation on wills and powers of attorney. Because there is so much uncertainty surrounding our health right now, Barriston guides us through what can be done if you don't currently have a will or power of attorney, how you can receive remote help, and what holographic wills look like. Thirsty for knowledge? Check out what Barriston is serving up below!

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Employment Law Considerations & COVID-19

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Apr 9, 2020 6:58:28 PM

As part of the discussion surrounding business implications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandbox Centre hosted platinum partner Barriston Law who lead the conversation on employment law in Barrie & Simcoe.  HR Performance & Results Inc also plays a key role in speaking to specific rights, obligations and requirements for both employee and employer with local MP's and MPP's from Barrie, Innisfil & Springwater weighing in on governmental action plans.

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Tags: COVID-19 Resources, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT