Sandbox Blog

How to Start a Business

Posted by jesse on Jul 7, 2020 1:42:11 PM

Running a business can have a powerful impact on your life and the lives of those around you. But before you can run a business, you need to learn how to start a business. There’s never a specific right time to start a business. Learning how to own a business is like starting a relationship. You should start a business when you have the time and attention to commit to it. However, there’s no problem with starting a side business while you are still working another job.

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Tags: StartUp | ScaleUP, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX

Customer Acquisition: How to (Profitably) Gain New Customers for Your Business

Posted by jesse on Jul 2, 2020 9:13:06 AM

Whether you’re a new entrepreneur trying to win over your first ten customers or a seasoned veteran acquiring your 10,000th, customer acquisition never stops being relevant. But for many business owners, sales can be unpredictable and gaining new customers can feel like a game of chance. 

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Tags: Finance CNNX, StartUp | ScaleUP, Selling, Sales CNNX, C-Suite CNNX, Marketing CNNX

Stakeholder Connections Strengthen Performance

Posted by jesse on Jun 29, 2020 2:06:41 PM

Many businesses are thriving in spite of the major challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic through increased stakeholder connections that strengthen worker and customer commitments, resulting in greater company performance. One common thread among companies that are weathering the storm most successfully is an authentic and integrated commitment to purpose larger than profitability or growth. Indeed, in the last financial crisis, Certified B Corporations were 63% more likely to survive than other businesses of similar size.

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, B Corp, HR CNNX

Mindful Leaders & How To Become One

Posted by jesse on Jun 25, 2020 7:54:06 AM

In previous posts, we’ve explored the challenges we’ll face in the next 10, 20 or more years. Technology is eating the world and changing things at breakneck speed. That’s all fine, but we need the tools to keep up.

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Tags: Professional Development, Culture, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX

5 Lessons on Business Resilience and Stakeholder Engagement

Posted by jesse on Jun 24, 2020 4:28:28 PM

Businesses are dealing with busts, booms and everything in between amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment in the U.S. has climbed to nearly 15%, the highest level since the Depression and roughly double the number during the 2008 recession, and thousands of small businesses are scrambling for federal financial assistance. 

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Tags: Social Innovation, StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, Culture, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, B Corp

5 Tips for Stepping into a Leadership Position

Posted by jesse on Jun 21, 2020 5:13:21 PM

So you want to take on a leadership position as your next step. As a top-contributor, it’s something you’ve long eyed as a goal but aren’t quite sure the best way to make sure you’re equipped when the time comes. More than a quarter of managers said they weren’t ready to lead others when they stepped into their role, according to CareerBuilder

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Tags: Professional Development, Culture, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX

The Legal Brief: COVID-19 Stage Two Reopening Updates & ESA Amendments RECAP

Posted by Mackenzie Fennell on Jun 18, 2020 9:23:52 AM

Stage two of reopening the economy has commenced for the Province of Ontario, however, the criteria and modifications that are needed to do so may be unclear to many.

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Tags: COVID-19 Resources, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT, C-Suite CNNX, HR CNNX