Sandbox Blog

Top Three On-Camera Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Video Meeting

Posted by Megan Price on Aug 4, 2020 11:24:37 AM

Most of us didn’t sign up to be on daytime television as actors or hosts but for many of us, it feels like that’s exactly where we have ended up.  Added to the stress of working from home, pivoting a business and completely revamping policies, procedures and protocols, being on camera for most of our day can feel like it’s pushing us a little too far.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, COVID-19 Resources, Remote Working, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Culture, Tools, Productivity

The Untold Benefits of the Family Sit Down

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 26, 2020 1:31:13 PM

One of my favourite wall plaques is one you have likely seen – it reads:  “Remember, as far as anyone knows we are a nice normal family.”  Families are dynamic, and I think we can agree that at various times (hopefully infrequently) most families are a bit crazy.

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Tags: Remote Working, Productivity

Pssst – Your Deprivation Mentality is Showing.

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 22, 2020 11:12:22 AM

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all creatures of habit.  In small ways and sometimes in big ways, we like what we like when we like it and we are not happy nor are we comfortable when someone tells us we are no longer allowed to .... Enter a pandemic.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, Remote Working, Productivity

Canadians satisfied with their company's response to covid-19

Posted by jesse on May 6, 2020 9:12:55 AM

Companies in Canada are rising to the occasion to navigate the pandemic, new research from global staffing firm Robert Half shows. A majority of Canadian office workers surveyed (94%) said they are satisfied with their company's response to COVID-19, with 67% reporting they are very satisfied. In addition, 95% of respondents noted their manager has been a source of support during this challenging time.

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Tags: Remote Working, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

Make Online Meetings Bearable (and Productive!)

Posted by jesse on Apr 15, 2020 4:25:44 PM


As we all shift our collaboration to online meetings there are a few key things to consider to optimize our time for productivity. Check out the tips below:

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Tags: StartUp | ScaleUP, Remote Working, Tools, Productivity, HR CNNX

Working from home: Securing your new workplace

Posted by jesse on Apr 13, 2020 12:04:37 PM

Working from home is the “new normal” for many businesses and their employees. These arrangements may have been put together quickly and can often involve the use of unsecured devices and remote connections, but there are certain steps you can take to protect your employees and business. The team at Grant Thornton has assembled an essential guide for you.

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Tags: Remote Working, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

Are You Poised To Go Virtual?

Posted by jesse on Mar 16, 2020 1:39:53 PM

In your more recent moments, you may be finding (or will find) yourself in a potential state of flux due to the 'rapidly evolving situation' that is the COVID-19 pandemic. Are you scrambling?  Are you looking forward to a prolonged indefinite break?  Were you already prepared with a 'continuity plan' for large scale events that may unfold?  We wonder; did you look beyond to - what's next for your business? 

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Tags: Remote Working, SBX NOW & NXT