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Megan Price

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Top Three On-Camera Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Video Meeting

Posted by Megan Price on Aug 4, 2020 11:24:37 AM

Most of us didn’t sign up to be on daytime television as actors or hosts but for many of us, it feels like that’s exactly where we have ended up.  Added to the stress of working from home, pivoting a business and completely revamping policies, procedures and protocols, being on camera for most of our day can feel like it’s pushing us a little too far.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, COVID-19 Resources, Remote Working, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Culture, Tools, Productivity

Creating your Leadership Community

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 17, 2020 10:52:37 AM

Anyone who has been a leader knows it can be a very lonely job. It’s challenging to find people you can trust to share ideas with or vent frustrations before solving problems, and you certainly can’t share your thoughts with those you lead.

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Tags: Women In Business, StartUp | ScaleUP, Innovative Mindsets, Culture, HR CNNX

To Change or Not To Change

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:24 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Innovative Mindsets, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Productivity

Find Your Voice, Change Your Life

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:19 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Innovative Mindsets, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Productivity

What Are You Expecting?

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:16 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Innovative Mindsets, Uncategorized, Professional Development, Productivity

Moving Forward With Your Story

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:10 PM

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Tags: Women In Business, Uncategorized, Professional Development, SBX NOW & NXT, Productivity

What Employees Need Most from Leaders, Now

Posted by Megan Price on Jul 12, 2020 10:35:20 AM

During the dark days of the Second World War, Winston Churchill made numerous speeches that would come to define his stature as a war time leader. While we are not currently at war, we are experiencing a global crisis, and the same communications strategies Churchill employed to inspire the British public are the exact ones leaders can use today.

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Tags: Innovative Mindsets, Business Implications, Professional Development, Productivity

The Untold Benefits of the Family Sit Down

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 26, 2020 1:31:13 PM

One of my favourite wall plaques is one you have likely seen – it reads:  “Remember, as far as anyone knows we are a nice normal family.”  Families are dynamic, and I think we can agree that at various times (hopefully infrequently) most families are a bit crazy.

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Tags: Remote Working, Productivity

Pssst – Your Deprivation Mentality is Showing.

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 22, 2020 11:12:22 AM

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all creatures of habit.  In small ways and sometimes in big ways, we like what we like when we like it and we are not happy nor are we comfortable when someone tells us we are no longer allowed to .... Enter a pandemic.

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Tags: Attraction & Retention, Remote Working, Productivity

Effective Leaders Build Resilience

Posted by Megan Price on Jun 17, 2020 2:00:13 AM

Sociologist and researcher Brene Brown maintains that “Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior” ( Never is that been more true than in times of crisis.

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Tags: Innovative Mindsets, Professional Development, Culture