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Effective Communication

Posted by jesse on May 6, 2020 5:40:30 PM

Effective communication is a vast field fraught with a seemingly limitless number of landmines – and that is on a day where it’s ‘business as usual’. Well – currently it is not business as usual and the potential pitfalls of interpersonal communication loom large in many relationships, partnerships and corporations. In times of stress it is the brain’s job to keep us safe – that means the body is flooded with adrenalin and higher brain function is paused (effective decision making) so we can focus on escaping the looming danger. This is likely not something that you don’t already know, but what if that heightened stress response continues for days? Weeks? Or even months?

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Tags: Women In Business, Professional Development, Culture, HR CNNX

Canadians satisfied with their company's response to covid-19

Posted by jesse on May 6, 2020 9:12:55 AM

Companies in Canada are rising to the occasion to navigate the pandemic, new research from global staffing firm Robert Half shows. A majority of Canadian office workers surveyed (94%) said they are satisfied with their company's response to COVID-19, with 67% reporting they are very satisfied. In addition, 95% of respondents noted their manager has been a source of support during this challenging time.

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Tags: Remote Working, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

Contingency | Plan For Change + Use It To Evolve

Posted by jesse on May 5, 2020 4:07:34 PM

Contingency by definition is an event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted - so we can plan for disruption but not necessarily for the particulars. That's ok, it sounds like life in general to us!

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Tags: Finance CNNX, Women In Business, Innovative Mindsets, Business Implications, Culture, SBX NOW & NXT

Pivot Your Business Through An Innovative Culture

Posted by jesse on Apr 30, 2020 5:05:17 PM

In our recent look at what it takes to pivot your business during these uncertain times, we've had some conversations that dig into the mentality and perspective required to have an innovative culture that would allow you to make a successful pivot. We had the opportunity to speak with Zac Cutt who operates as a Research & Development Mechanical Engineer & Designer at Innovative Automation. Zac is at the forefront of their recent pivot to producing Face Shields for frontline workers battling the covid-19 epidemic.

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Tags: Innovative Mindsets, Culture, SBX NOW & NXT

How to pivot your business in these uncertain times

Posted by jesse on Apr 21, 2020 2:01:03 PM

Recently, while searching for a voice that echos the one in our own mind surrounding the opportunity to pivot your business; we stumbled upon precisely the straight forward unfettered tone we were looking for. From our own lens as a small business, like so many of you, there is a stark reality we're faced with. The model needs to shift to survive, let alone thrive. Business is not going on 'as usual' for the majority of us.

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Tags: StartUp | ScaleUP, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

Impostor Syndrome

Posted by jesse on Apr 17, 2020 3:12:43 PM

Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt and unworthiness at some point in our lives. But when your accomplishments are a result of your own knowledge, hard work, and preparation and you still feel inadequate ... you're probably suffering from impostor syndrome.

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Tags: Women In Business, Professional Development, Culture, Productivity


Posted by jesse on Apr 16, 2020 5:58:56 PM

As part of the discussion surrounding business implications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandbox Centre hosted platinum partner Barriston Law who lead the conversation on employment law in Barrie & Simcoe.  Thirsty for knowledge? The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly, leaving so much unknown about how it will affect businesses and their continuity.

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Tags: Finance CNNX, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

Make Online Meetings Bearable (and Productive!)

Posted by jesse on Apr 15, 2020 4:25:44 PM


As we all shift our collaboration to online meetings there are a few key things to consider to optimize our time for productivity. Check out the tips below:

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Tags: StartUp | ScaleUP, Remote Working, Tools, Productivity, HR CNNX

Working from home: Securing your new workplace

Posted by jesse on Apr 13, 2020 12:04:37 PM

Working from home is the “new normal” for many businesses and their employees. These arrangements may have been put together quickly and can often involve the use of unsecured devices and remote connections, but there are certain steps you can take to protect your employees and business. The team at Grant Thornton has assembled an essential guide for you.

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Tags: Remote Working, Business Implications, SBX NOW & NXT

The Massive Returns of a Value Based Sales Approach

Posted by jesse on Apr 9, 2020 4:41:03 PM

Everyone says, "Sell value, drive value, make sure buyers both perceive and receive exceptional value from you, and your sales teams will be more successful."

Is everyone right, though? Do sellers and sales organizations where sellers consistently drive buyer value get better results? And, if so, what's the actual return?

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Tags: Selling, Sales CNNX